Meet Anna

When Anna graduated from Illinois State University with her Bachelor of Social Work, she wrestled with the idea of joining staff with The Impact Movement or pursuing a graduate degree. In the summer of 2015, the Lord provided Anna with a full scholarship to the University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana, where I pursued and obtained a Master of Social Work concentrating in Mental Health in May 2016. However, something happened in 2015 that would change her life forever.
In September 2015, Anna was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor, and on October 30, 2015, she walked into the hospital to have brain surgery. God healed her and allowed her to make it through the surgery successfully. While recovering from surgery, Anna felt the Lord challenge her on November 7, 2015.  She felt challenged that after dedicating a year to school, she would dedicate a year to ministryThese words were so clear, powerful, and compelling to Anna.

Anna served that first year at Illinois State University and Western Illinois University. She continued to surrender to God and hear the call to ministry. Anna served faithfully at Western Illinois University for five years; then, the Lord transitioned her to serve at Northwestern University. Anna will finish her eighth year in ministry, working full-time with Black students, in May. During the past eight years, Anna has been dedicated to serving in the Central Illinois area as a full-time minister for Christ through The Impact Movement at Illinois State University, Western Illinois University, and Northwestern University.

Throughout her years in ministry, Anna has also had the pleasure of serving Black and Brown students in Central Illinois, Texas, New Orleans, Detroit, Michigan, North Dakota,  Central Asia, and Mexico City. She has served these students through distance coaching, retreats, spring break, and Summer Mission Trips with students and other staff. Anna believes God has called her to pursue Black college students with the Gospel and minister to students in holistic and culturally meaningful ways while affirming their ethnic identities as beautiful creations made by a perfect God. Her time on campus is spent sharing her faith with students, mentoring/discipling students and student leaders, helping new believers grow in their faith, and doing life-on-life with students.

Anna says, “I love my job! I feel humbled and grateful that God would call me to such an amazing ministry with an amazing group of students, all for His glory.”


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