Illinois State Impact Movement

The Impact Movement at Illinois State University began the Spring of 2012. During this time, Black students on campus wanted to created a space that valued their ethnic identity and their desire to cultivate a relationship with Jesus Christ. With only a few Black students in its first semester, God quickly grew the movement's influence at Illinois State University.

Over the past 12 years God has grown the ISU Impact movement to 100+ students. Through weekly meetings, small groups, evangelism, and discipleship, God is using the Impact movement at ISU to affirm the beauty and dignity by which He has created each of our Black students, and live the Gospel out loud daily, in holistic ways.

Since being established at ISU, The Impact Movement has shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with thousands of Black students and seen hundreds of Black students trust God with their lives.

God is raising up Black college students that unapologetically follow Jesus Christ and unashamedly love who God has intentionally created them to be.

Check out Raven's story about how God used Impact to change her life!

ISU Impact Weekly Schedule

Weekly Meetings


8:00pm Schroeder 242

Men's Time


6:00pm Schroeder 107

Women's Time


7:00pm The Multicultural Center



3:30pm Grace Church